
Whatsoever is done with your body reaches to the mind and whatsoever is done with the mind reaches to the body (OSHO)

Whatsoever is done with your body reaches to the mind and whatsoever is done with the mind reaches to the body (OSHO)

Your body is not simply physical. In your body in your muscles in the structure of your body, many other things have entered through suppression. If you suppress anger the poison goes into the body. It goes into the muscles, it goes into the blood, If you suppress anything, it is not only a mental thing, it is also physical – because you are not really divided You are not body and mind you are bodymind – psychosomatic You are both together. So whatsoever is done with your body reaches to the mind and whatsoever is done with the mind reaches to the body, as body and mind are two ends of the same entity.

For instance, what happens to the body if you get angry? Whenever you get angry certain poisons are released into the blood. Without those poisons you will not get mad enough to be angry. You have particular glands in the body, and those glands release certain chemicals. Now this is scientific, this is not just some philosophy. Your blood becomes poisoned.

That’s why, when you are angry, you can do something which you cannot do ordinarily – because you are mad. You can push a big rock you cannot do it ordinarily You cannot even believe afterward that you could have pushed this rock or thrown it or lifted it When you are back to normal again, you will not be capable of lifting it again because you are not the same Particular chemicals were circulating in the blood. You were in an emergency condition your total energy was brought to be active.

But when an animal gets angry, he gets angry He has no morality about it, no teaching about it. He simply gets angry and the anger is released But when you get angry, you get angry in a way similar to any animal. But then there is society, morality, etiquette, and thousands of things. You have to push the anger down. You have to show that you are not angry, you have to smile – a painted smile. But you have to create a smile, and you push the anger down. What is happening to the body? The body was ready to fight – either to fight or to fly to escape from the danger either to face it or escape from it. The body was ready to do something anger is just a readiness to do something. The body was going to be violent, aggressive.

If you could be violent and aggressive. then the energy would be released But you cannot be – it’s not convenient, so you push it down. Then what will happen to all those muscles which were ready to be aggressive? They will become crippled. The energy will push them to be aggressive and you will push them backward not to be aggressive. There will be a conflict. In your muscles, in your blood, in your body tissues, there will be conflict. They are ready to express something and you are pushing them not to express. You are suppressing them Then your body becomes crippled.

This happens with every emotion, and it goes on day after day for years Then your body becomes crippled all over All the nerves become crippled. They are not flowing, they are not liquid, they are not alive. They have become dead, they have become poisoned and have all become entangled. They are not natural.

Look at any animal and see the grace of the body. What happens to the human body? Why is it not so graceful Why? Every animal is so graceful why is the human body not so graceful? What has happened to it? You have done something with it you have crushed it and the natural spontaneity of its flow has gone in has become stagnant. In every part of your body there is poison In every muscle of your body there is suppressed anger suppressed sexuality, suppressed greed and everything Suppressed jealousy, hatred – everything is suppressed there. Your body is really diseased.


So when you start meditating, all these poisons will be released. And wherever the body has become stagnant, it will have to melt it will become liquid again. This is a great effort: after forty years of living in a wrong way, then suddenly meditating the whole body is in an upheaval You will feet aching all over the body. But this aching is good, and you have to welcome it. Allow the body to again become a flow. Again it will become graceful and childlike: again you will gain the aliveness. But before that aliveness comes to you the dead parts have to be straightened and this is going to be a little painful.


Psychologists say that we have created an armor around the body and that this armor is the problem. When you get angry, if you are allowed total expression, what will you do? When you get angry, you start crushing your teeth together you want to do something with your nails and with your hands because that’s how your animal heritage will have it. You want to do something with your hands to destroy something.


If you don’t do anything your fingers will become crippled they will lose the grace, the beauty. They will not be alive limbs. And the poison is there So when you shake hands with someone really there is no touch, no life, because your hands are dead.


You can feel this. Touch a small child’s hand – a subtle difference is there When the child really give you his hand. If he is not giving then it is alright-he will withdraw. He will not give you a dead hand he will simply withdraw. But if he wants to give you his hand then you will feel that his hand is as if it is melting into your hand. The warmth, the flow – as if the whole child has come to the hand. The very touch, and he expresses all the love that is possible to express.


But the same child when grown up will shake hands as if a hand is just a dead instrument. He will not come in the will not flow through it. This has happened because there are blocks Anger is blocked before your hand becomes alive again to express love, it will have to pass through agony it will have to pass through a deep expression of anger. If the anger is not released that anger is blocked and love cannot come out of it


Your whole body has become blocked, not only your hands. So you can embrace someone you can take someone near your chest, but that is not synonymous with taking someone near your heart. These are two different things You can take someone near your chest this is a physical phenomenon But if you have armor around your heart a blocking of emotions then the person remains as distant as he ever was no intimacy is possible. But if you really take a person near, and there is no armor, no wall between you and the person, then the heart will melt into the other There will be a meeting a communion.

Your body has to release many poisons You have become toxic, and you will have pain – because those poisons have settled down Now I am creating a chaos again. This meditation is to create chaos within you so that you can be rearranged – so that a new arrangement becomes possible. You must be destroyed as you are, only then can the new be born As you are you have gone totally wrong. You have to be destroyed and only then can something new be created. There will be pain, but this pain is worthwhile





Source: https://www.osho.com/



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