27 Jan The Silent Concerto
In London, a well-known pianist announced that he would play “The Silent Concerto” in a central hall of the city. The hall was filled, the pianist bowed before the audience, who applauded him warmly and began to play with all the movements of his hands, feet, head and body, without a single note being heard!
Some of the first seats got worried, looked behind them, saw the others encanted, they also stayed these themselves… In an hour and a half the pianist got up, bowed before the audience who applauded him and the next day evening he went on television and declared:
“I wanted to see how far the modern man’s stupidity can go, it has no limits!”
How many such phenomena had he observed in his daily life, before the pianist made his own musical experiment?! The event, which looks like an anecdote, was published in the press and Andre Morois mentions it in his well-known book “Open letter to the young”, underlining the consequences of the lack of judgment and taste of young people, even in the sensitive field of art .