
The absolute truth is one. You are a wonderful person (DON MIGUEL RUIZ)

The absolute truth is one. You are a wonderful person (DON MIGUEL RUIZ)

Humans believe so many lies. Some of these lies are so subtle and convincing that we base our entire virtual reality on themwithout even noticing
that they arelies. Thelies we believe about ourselves can be difficult to see because we are so used to themthat they seemnormal.

For example, if you believe the common lie “I’m not worth it,” that lie lives in your mind because you believe it. You don’t believe people who tell
you how great you are, and you don’t believe them because you believe the opposite.Your faith is already invested in a belief that is not the truth;
it’salie, but your faith guides your actions. By not feeling worthy, how do you express yourselfwith other people?You are shy. How can you ask
for something when you do not believe you are worth it? What you believe about yourself is what you project to other people, and that is what
others then believe about you. Ofcourse, that is howthey treat you, which only reinforces the beliefthat you aren’t worth it.And what is thetruth?
The truth is that you are worth it;everybody is worth it.

If you believe the lie that you cannot speak in publicthen thy will be done: When you try to speak in public, you are afraid. The onlyway to break
your faith in thisagreement is by taking theaction and doing it. Then you provethat it’salie,and you are no longer afraid.

If you believe that you cannot have a loving relationship, thy will be done. If you feel that you don’t deserve love, even if love is in front of you,
you just don’t take it because you are blind to it. You only see what you want to see, and you only hear what you want to hear. Everything you
perceiveis justmoresupport for your lies.


If you understand these examples, you can just imagine how many lies you believe about yourself, and how many lies you believe about your parents, your children, your siblings, or your partner. Every time you judge them, you give voice to the false beliefs in your own Tree of Knowledge. You give your power to these lies, and what is the result?Anger or jealousy or even hate. Then you accumulate all of that emotional
poison,and the moment comes when you losecontroland say something that you don’t want to say.

Can you see the power ofwhat I’m sharing with you? You can change your life by refusing to believe your own lies. You can start with the main
lies that limit theexpression of your happiness and your love. If you take your faith away fromtheselies, they losetheir power over you.



The Voice of knowledge

Don Miguel Ruiz






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