23 Aug It hurts because when you see the stupidity of your behavior – that your misery is created by yourself – it hurts… (OSHO)
Malamati means the “Blameworthy”.
The basis of the Malamati Order is: never blame others, always blame yourself; that will bring transformation.
The general tendency of the human mind is to throw the blame on somebody. That is a way to protect yourself, but then you remain the same.
We know at least five thousand years’ history that has been going on and on in different names, but the same thing goes on.
In the beginning people used to believe, “What can we do? The real doer is God, so whatsoever he is doing, he is doing. It is beyond our capacity to change. ”
That is a trick to throw the whole responsibility on God’s shoulders; then you are freed.
Then if you are a thief, what can you do?
And if you are a murderer, you are a murderer — what can you do?
It is God who decides.
In India they say — for five thousand years they have been saying this — that not even a leaf moves without his order.
The very idea has kept the East poor, starved, ugly, dirty.
The very idea: “What can we do? God is the doer,” has created a subtle, spiritual laziness, a very deep sleep.
The East has lived in deep sleep, in an utterly helpless way.
But this has happened in other countries too, in different names. In the beginning it was always God, then by and by people started suspecting whether God exists or not.
Slowly, slowly the existence of God became doubtful, but we needed some scapegoat to throw our responsibilities on — then the idea of fate, then the idea of your past lives, karmas: that you have done something in the past life and now everything is determined by it. You cannot do anything, you are caught in the trap of your past lives.
Now, you cannot go back and change your past lives, so everything is destined. Just see the point: God is no more there, so you need something else — the theory of karma, or fate, kismet, luck. Slowly, slowly these things also became worthless; then new ideas, but the game remains the same.
Then Darwin said that it is evolution, the evolutionary forces: man is not free, he is just a part of the evolutionary forces — and they are tremendous!
Man is simply moving in those forces. Those forces are the determining factors; you cannot do anything else, you are just a by-product. Whatsoever you are, you are at the mercy of the evolutionary forces.
Now, it is another name for God, another name for karma, another name for fate. Nothing has changed. Just a scientific explanation, but the psychological trick is the same.
Then there was Karl Marx, and he said: it is not evolution, it is the economic structure of the society that determines everything.
He said it is not consciousness that determines the society and its structure; just the vice versa is the truth: it is the society and its economic structure that determines consciousness, so you cannot do anything directly unless the society changes.
It is the same: unless God’s mind changes, unless fate changes; now it is the economic structure. And it is very inevitable you cannot go against it, everything is determined by it.
Then came Sigmund Freud, and he said: it is the unconscious that determines everything, your instinctive nature.
These are all explanations for the same trick, and the trick is one: blame something on someone so that you can feel good and you can continue as you are, so that there is no need to go through any change.
This Order of the Sufis called the “Blameworthy” say, “I am responsible, all blame is mine.”
Just for a moment let this thought sink into your heart: I am responsible. Then suddenly two things start happening in you:
One, if I am responsible, then change is possible.
Second, if I am responsible, then there is no point in blaming others and constantly quarreling. And then there is no point in waiting for the whole world to change. You will not be here. Even if the whole world changes some day — it is not going to change; but even if it changes — you will not be here.
Something has to be done right now, immediately, because your life is very short. You cannot wait for eternity — for communism to come, for a classless society to happen, for a utopia to be fulfilled, or for the second coming of Christ; or when things have gone very badly, Krishna will come and deliver you.
All nonsense!
But the basic trick is the same: that “I am not responsible. Something has to happen to me; I cannot do anything.”
Take your responsibility on your own shoulders. In the beginning it hurts. It hurts because when you see the stupidity of your behavior – that your misery is created by yourself – it hurts.
It always feels good and nice that somebody else is responsible for your misery, what can you do? The moment you see that you have been slapping your own face, nobody is slapping you, then it looks very stupid to continue.
If you enjoy it, then don’t complain.
The Secret