17 Sep Quantum Mechanics Could Explain Telepathy – Is Everything Connected?
Do you believe in the power of telepathy? Many ordinary people accept telepathy as true and some say they even had telepathic experiences themselves. However, most scientists still remain skeptic and say there is no conclusive evidence supporting such claims. Nonetheless, there are hard-core scientists who maintain it is vital to conduct more research into the subject.
To dismiss something because we do not have an explanation for it, is not a good scientific approach.
“Not knowing how it works, though, is uncomfortable for many scientists. Looking at the experiments and the data, it’s very clear something is going on,” said Dean Radin, senior scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS).
“There is doubt because we don’t have a good explanation for it yet”, Radin added.
Dean Radin, who is author or coauthor of over 200 technical and popular articles, a dozen book chapters, and several books including the bestselling The Conscious Universe and Entangled Minds is convinced telepathy is real and suggests that quantum mechanics may ultimately provide an explanation how mind to mind communication works.
“Can we sense what’s happening to loved ones thousands of miles away? Why are we sometimes certain of a caller’s identity the instant the phone rings? Do intuitive hunches contain information about future events? Is it possible to perceive without the use of the ordinary senses?
Many people believe that such “psychic phenomena” are rare talents or divine gifts. Others don’t believe they exist at all. But the latest scientific research shows that these phenomena are both real and widespread, and are an unavoidable consequence of the interconnected, entangled physical reality we live in. Albert Einstein called entanglement “spooky action at a distance” — the way two objects remain connected through time and space, without communicating in any conventional way, long after their initial interaction has taken place. Could a similar entanglement of minds explain our apparent psychic abilities? Dean Radin, senior scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, believes it might.
“To demonstrate the unbalanced nature of extreme skeptic-ism, let’s consider the case of telepathy. Cynics wring their hands, lamenting that the apocalypse is near because the general public believes in extrasensory perception (ESP1).They assume that this widespread belief is a sign of mass mental deterioration because science has declared ESP to be impossible. Why is it impossible? Because psychic phenomena violate unspecified Laws of Science, and therefore all claims about such events must be hopelessly flawed or fraudulent. As a result, in the educated Western world we find ourselves in the bizarre state of affairs where the mere study of certain common experiences is essentially forbidden, ” Radin writes in his article “Thinking about telepathy”.
Radin thinks quantum mechanics can solve the mystery of telepathy and he is not the first scientists to suggest this. The great psychologist Gardner Murphy, president of the American Psychological Association and later of the American Society for Psychical Research, urged his fellow psychologists to become better acquainted with modern physics.
Murphy wrote in 1968: “… the difficulty is at the level of physics, not at the level of psychology. The data from parapsychology will be almost certainly in harmony with general psychological principles and will be assimilated rather easily within the systematic framework of psychology as a science when once the imagined appropriateness of Newtonian physics is put aside, and modern physics replaces it.
I have little doubt that the scientific worldview will eventually expand to comfortably accommodate those experiences we now call psychic. We’ll need a view of nature that pro-vides a solid theoretical basis for why some things, some-times, are more interconnected through space and time than are accounted for by classical models of the world. We’ll need a science in which the most recalcitrant curmudgeons agree that such ‘nonlocal’ correlations are a well-established ingredient of established physics. Of course, we already have such a science. The central mystery in quantum mechanics is precisely why some things, sometimes, are more connected through space and time than are accounted for by classical, common sense concepts,” Radin says.
Could a similar entanglement of minds explain our apparent psychic abilities? Can quantum mechanics shed more light on telepathy?
“Scientists are now finding that there are ways in which the effects of microscopic entanglements “scale up” into our macroscopic world. Entangled connections between carefully prepared atomic-sized objects can persist over many miles. There are theoretical descriptions showing how tasks can be accomplished by entangled groups without the members of the group communicating with each other in any conventional way. Some scientists suggest that the remarkable degree of coherence displayed in living systems might depend in some fundamental way on quantum effects like entanglement. Others suggest that conscious awareness is caused or related in some important way to entangled particles in the brain. Some even propose that the entire universe is a single, self-entangled object. What if these speculations are correct? What would human experience be like in such an interconnected universe? How can we learn more about a deeper reality? Would we occasionally have numinous feelings of connectedness with loved ones at a distance? If we did have such experiences, could they be due to real information that somehow bypassed the usual sensory channels, or are such reports mere delusions? Can psychic or “psi” experiences be studied by science, or are they beyond the reach of rational understanding?
We don’t have an explanation, but you can almost see a road map for how an explanation could come about,” Radin said. “At least it’s no longer seen as impossible.”
So perhaps everything is connected and quantum mechanics does offer evidence supporting telepathy…
From MessageToEagle.com
1 Extrasensory perception, ESP or Espn, also called sixth sense or second sight, includes reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses but sensed with the mind.