

The Economic Revolution was the most important revolution, from the point of view of shaping modern society, that ever took place— fundamentally more disturbing by far than the French, American, or even the Russian Revolutions. To appreciate its magnitude, to understand the wrenching which it...

The story of “blue being invisible in history” begins in 1858 when William Gladstone, who later became Chancellor of the Exchequer then Prime Minister of Great Britain, read Homer’s The Odyssey . Gladstone noticed that Homer described the sea color as "wine-dark” - leading him...

This fable tells the story of how a frog placed in a pot of boiling water is able to make a leap and exit immediately. But if on the other hand it is introduced into cold water that is slowly warmed, he will not realize...

The ability of living organisms to faithfully transmit the instructions to make another of themselves – whether a robin, rhododendron or a person – was, for centuries, profoundly puzzling. In his ‘51st Exercitation’ of 1653, the English surgeon William Harvey wrote:   Although it be a known...

Today, at dusk, I went to St. Sergius, locally called Mar Sarkis, from the Aramaic, the cemetery of my side of the family, to say hello to my father and my uncle Dédé, who so much disliked my sloppy dressing during my rioting days. I...

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