
The Boiled Frog Syndrome… (OLIVIER CLERC)

The Boiled Frog Syndrome… (OLIVIER CLERC)

This fable tells the story of how a frog placed in a pot of boiling water is able to make a leap and exit immediately. But if on the other hand it is introduced into cold water that is slowly warmed, he will not realize the danger until it is too late, turning sleepy and losing the energy to jump.

This fable tells the story of how a frog placed in a pot of boiling water is able to make a leap and exit immediately.

Sometimes we tolerate harmful situations and people for far too long, just because we follow the tacit command “if there is no other solution, you have to tolerate it” way of thinking, just like the frog in our story.

And we certainly cannot ignore the fact that many of us subjugate our emotional well being to other things. It often happens, too, that we must not just keep thinking about our well being, but that there are other people who depend on us in some way.

We can also put up with a breaking-point situation for a very long time due to emotional dependence, a destructive relationship, or maybe because we lack the emotional intelligence to know what is normal and what is not.

Maybe you tolerate situations until you burn up, without ever having become aware of the need to jump ship in time to save yourself. This is the reason why we want you to learn about the syndrome of the frog who did not know that he was boiling, an idea first explained by Olivier Clerc.

The silent deterioration that leads us to faking that we’re alright. When emotional deterioration is slow, it goes by unnoticed. This justifies our lack of reaction, why we don’t oppose it, and end up drowning in toxic air that slowly poisons us all.

When a change takes place slow enough, it escapes our awareness. It therefore fails to cause any sort of reaction or opposition.

In this sense, there are certain types of romantic relationships, jobs, family situations, friends, and even social situations in which it’s not uncommon to see victims of the boiled frog syndrome.

So when dependence, pride, selfishness, or demands start to manifest little by little, it’s difficult to realize just how harmful it is to be in that place.

In fact, you might even feel good that your partner needs you then, that your boss trusts you to give you certain tasks, or that a trusted friend constantly needs your attention.

But over time, these demands slowly reduce your reaction and response time. It uses up all of your energy and ability to see that this truly isn’t a healthy relationship.

This silent process of adapting to discomfort will deteriorate you, and it slowly and very subtly takes control over your life. This stops you from noticing and preparing yourself to respond in a way that truly fits your needs.

That’s why it is absolutely necessary that you make a conscious effort to keep your eyes open and to know what you want. This is the only way you can take control over what is deteriorating your senses.

The only way to grow is to feel uncomfortable for a little bit.

Because a lot of times the people around you don’t like it when you decide to follow and value your own rights. They’re already used to you conforming to them, and for them, this attitude change is uncomfortable.

Remember that sometimes saying “enough!” helps guarantee your well-being and safeguard your own self-love, dignity and interests.

So always remember the boiled frog syndrome, and avoid falling into a deep well of pain that could be prevented, if noticed in time.




Source: http://www.rasmusankersen.com



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