
Αnd mothers were created.

Αnd mothers were created.

God sent for his dearest angel and showed him the pattern of a mother. The angel didn’t like what he saw:
“You have been working too many extra hours, You no longer know what You are doing,” the angel said.
“Look at that! Special kisses to cure any disease, six pairs of hands for cooking, washing, ironing, caressing, holding, cleaning — that won’t work!”
“The problem isn’t the hands,” God answered.
“The problem is the three pairs of eyes I had to put on it: one pair to allow her to see her son through closed doors and protect him from open windows.
Another pair to display severity when firm upbringing becomes necessary. And the third pair to constantly keep demonstrating love and tenderness in spite of all the work she will have!”
The angel examined the mother pattern more carefully: “And this, what is it?”
“A self-curing device. She won’t have time to get sick; she’ll have to take care of her husband, of her children, of her house.”
“I think you’d better rest a little,” said the angel.
“And get back to the normal pattern, with two arms, a pair of eyes, etc.”
God agreed with the angel. After he rested, he transformed the mother in a normal woman.
He, however, warned the angel: “I had to imbue her with such want that she will feel as if she had six arms, three pairs of eyes, a self-curing system. Otherwise she won’t be able to accomplish her task.”
The angel examined her closely. This time, in his opinion, God had hit it. Suddenly he noticed a flaw: “She is leaking. I think, God, You have put too much into this pattern again.”
“That isn’t a leak. It is called tears.”
“What is it good for?”
“For releasing joy, sorrow, disappointment, pain, pride, enthusiasm.”
“You are a genius,” said the angel. “That’s exactly what was missing for the pattern to be complete.”
With a sombre look, God answered: “It wasn’t I who placed it there. Those tears appeared after I assembled the pieces.”
All the same, the angel congratulated the Almighty and mothers were created.



When God created Mothers
Paulo Coelho



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