
When you are happy everybody becomes the enemy (OSHO)

When you are happy everybody becomes the enemy (OSHO)

You cling to misery because it has some investment somewhere, it works. Now once you know it works, ’it always gets the old boy’, you have stumbled upon a key. Now you will go on using that key. That’s why you are miserable. When you are miserable the whole world is sympathetic towards you. When you are happy everybody is jealous of you. When you are happy nobody can forgive you. When you are unhappy everybody is so polite to you, everybody is so friendly, everybody is so generous. When you are happy everybody becomes the enemy. For a blissful mall the whole world turns to be an enemy. That’s why Jesus is crucified – he is crucified for daring to be blissful. Socrates is poisoned – he is poisoned for daring to be happy. Mansoor is killed, murdered, butchered – what is his crime? A simple crime, that he was ecstatic.

These miserable people all around, they cannot forgive an ecstatic person. Because that ecstatic person reminds them of their failure. Jesus walking by your side, suddenly reminds you that you have failed. A Mansoor singing a song of joy, suddenly makes you feel guilty – what are you doing here? You have sold yourself for mundane things, and here is this man full of God, full of joy, full of light. You cannot tolerate this man. This man is a thorn, it hurts. If it is possible to Mansoor and to Christ and to Socrates, why is it not possible to you? Destroy this man and rest at ease. Then you know ’Everybody is just like me, even worse than me.’ That makes you feel good.

That’s why people like to know about wrong things about people, what wrong is going on. If you start talking about somebody and you say that he is a saint and he is pure and he is holy, immediately the other person will start criticizing. If you say he is the greatest sinner, the other will say ’I know. You are right. I have never said it but I have always known.’ No proof is needed.



This Very Body the Buddha




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