24 Dec If you behave exactly as you wish every time, do you think you will have better communication with the people around you? (THOMAS ERIKSON)
You can do that. You can behave exactly as you wish. All you have to do is find the right situation in which to do so.
There are two situations in which you can just be you:
The first situation is when you’re alone in a room. Then it doesn’t matter how you speak or what you do. It doesn’t hurt anyone if you scream and swear or if you just want to sit silently and ponder the great mysteries of life or wonder why fashion models always look so mad. In your solitude, you can behave exactly the way you feel. Simple, isn’t it?
The second situation where you can completely be yourself is when all the other people in the room are exactly like you. What did our mothers teach us? Treat others as you want to be treated. Excellent advice and very well intentioned. And it works, to as long as everyone is just like you. All you need to do is make a list of all the people you know who believe, think, and act exactly like you in all situations. Now just give them a call and start hanging out
In any other situation, it might be a good idea to understand how you are perceived and to learn how other people function. I don’t think I will make headlines by saying that most people you meet aren’t like you. Words can have incredible power, but the words we choose and how we use them vary. As you have seen from the title of this book, there are different interpretations of—yes, you got it-words. And when you use the wrong word, well, maybe then you’re an idiot.
Surrounded by Idiots-or Not?
What does this actually mean? As I was writing, the following analogy hit me: Behavior patterns are like a loolbox. All types are needed. Depending on the occasion, a tool can sometimes be right and sometimes be wrong. A thirty pound sledgehammer is great for tearing down walls, but it’s hardly the thing if you want to hang a picture in the foyer.
Some people are opposed to the ided of sorting people into different behavior types. Maybe you believe that you shouldn’t categorize people in that way, that it’s wrong to pigeonhole people. Ilowever, everyone does it, perhaps in another way than I do in this book, but we all register our dillerences nonetheless. The fact remains that we are different, and in my opinion, pointing that out can be something positive if you do it in the right way. Improperly used, every tool can be harmful.
Surrounded by idiots
Image: https://gr.pinterest.com/pin/145663369169358849/