
If sharks were men (BERTOLT BRECHT)

If sharks were men (BERTOLT BRECHT)

If sharks were men ,” Mr.K was asked by his landlady’s little girl , “would they be nicer to the little fish?”. “Certainly,” he said. “If sharks were men, they would build enormous boxes in the ocean for the little fish, with all kinds of food inside, both vegetables and animal. They would take care that the boxes always had fresh water, and in general they would make all kinds of sanitary arrangements. If, for example, a little fish were to injure a fin, it would immediately be bandaged, so that it would not die and be lost to the sharks become its time. (…)

>> There would, of course , also be schools in the big boxes. In these schools the little fish would learn how to swim into the sharks’ jaws. (…)

>> They would be taught it would be the best and most beautiful thing in the world if a little fish sacrificed itself cheerfully and that they all had to believe the sharks, especially when the latter said they were providing for a beautiful future. (…)

>> There would also be a religion, if sharks were men. It would preach that little fish only really begin to live properly in the sharks’ stomachs. Furthermore, if sharks were men there would be an end to all little fish being equal, as is the case now. Some would be given important offices and be placed above the others. Those who were a little bigger would even be allowed to eat up the smaller ones. That would be altogether aggreeable for the sharks, since they themselves would more often get bigger bites to eat. (…)

> In short, if sharks were men , they would for the first time bring culture to the ocean.”




Bertolt Brecht

Stories of Mr Keuner



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