
Acknowledge that you need comforting now…

Acknowledge that you need comforting now…

You are likely to feel out of control and fearful when changes in your circumstances are ongoing; when they are unexpected and undesired you experience a crisis situation. Per-haps your job or an important relationship that you had imagined were secure turn out not to be. You’re not only coping with a situation not of your choosing and which you do not want, but you’re having to let go of something that you did want, that you loved. All this is shocking to you and will affect you in different ways. Feeling as though you are in a crisis is not at all unusual today. It is an experience that many of you may be going through or have gone through. The emphasis is on going through. You may not feel that you will make it, but you will come through it.
It is therefore important to acknowledge that you have these feelings. Set aside a time on your own to allow yourself to feel your anger and sadness. You can also do something physical, like a brisk walk, a swim or a game of tennis. This will help to calm your emotions by releasing that pent-up physical tension. You will also need to move through whatever is causing you pain, which means letting go of blaming. Dealing with emotions on a daily basis can help you integrate them.
Look after yourself and accept support in a crisis. Physically you may feel awful – unable to sleep, sick, unable to relax. Because you are suffering from shock, your mind may be all over the place, trying to work out what is going on, what went wrong. You may be feeling emotional pain with seemingly no way of resolving or accepting the situation. Acknowledge that you need comforting now and let friends and family be supportive. Ask for support, work out a way forward. Within you, you have the quality of courage. Allow it to come through to assist you.



The Secrets of Self-Esteem 
Patricia Cleghorn


Image: “Walk the shark” | https://gr.pinterest.com/pin/250442429251907693/



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