
It is not easy to find one’s calling in life (HAEMIN SUNIM)

It is not easy to find one’s calling in life (HAEMIN SUNIM)

It is not easy to find one’s calling in life. Although some know what
they want to do from an early age, for most, it takes many years to find
their path. Whenever I am asked about finding one’s calling, I offer the
following advice.
First, one of the reasons it is difficult to find your calling is that you
simply do not know what kind of jobs are out there in the world. Where
can you discover options other than the jobs you already know of
through your family and friends?
The easiest way to expose yourself to an array of indirect experiences
is by reading. Have you read up on science, travel, fashion, art, or
politics? How about education, psychology, finance, health, food,
music, or sports? Read widely as you explore different professions. You
can also read a biography of someone you admire and hope to emulate.
Books broaden your horizons and introduce you to new possibilities.
Second, it is hard to find one’s calling because many mistakenly
believe they need to look only within to discover their passion.
Although it is true that we have innate interests and talents, we often do
not know what they are until we have real-life experiences. Having a
wide range of experiences can help you uncover your inner passion.
Try various part-time jobs and internships, or volunteer.
Don’t be afraid of rolling up your sleeves and diving in.
While immersed in a job’s reality, you will discover whether it’s a
good fit.
Work experiences may unlock the door to a career opportunity you
hadn’t considered.
Third, it is difficult to find your calling without sufficient self-
awareness. Do you know what kind of work environment you thrive in?
Do you draw your energy from interacting with people? Do you
perform well under pressure? What are your strengths and weaknesses?

You can increase your self-awareness by interacting with a wide

range of people in a wide variety of situations. You will develop a

deeper understanding of yourself as you cultivate relationships, which

become a mirror reflecting your strengths and weaknesses in various

circumstances. Do not be afraid of meeting new people. Get to know

those who are working in a field you are interested in. Go out on dates;

they are another good way to learn about yourself. Discover what types

of people are compatible with your personality. From these experiences,

you will gain insight into what kinds of people you like to surround

yourself with.

Lastly, do not select your career based on what others will think of

your choice. The truth is that other people do not really think about you

that much. If you think you will enjoy something, then do not overthink

it. Just do it. Even if it does not turn out the way you imagined it, you

will still appreciate it for what it has taught you.

I wish you the best of luck!





The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down




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